The main purpose of SAC Alsharah Accredited Company Italian-Arab, created in 2005 in Italy and then in 2014 in Kuwait, is the promotion of economic cooperation and commercial relations of Italian companies with 16 countries of the League of Arab States: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia.

In the last 5 years of activity, SAC has developed a framework of knowledge and information as well as specific technical and operational support, intended for both large and medium sized businesses and small businesses. Relationships and multiple agreements, with institutions and business institutions, with business organizations. The SAC is associated with large companies, from the public and private sector, medium and small companies, Chambers of Commerce, institutions and associations.

Our Services

To Represent

We support companies and support them in the integration phase in the Middle Eastern markets thanks to the precious collaboration of professionals specialized in internationalization processes.

To Distribute

Thanks to specific market analysis, we indicate to the producer the value of its asset and in which position it is possible to enter, at the same time making sure that the production is 100% Made in Italy quality.

To Mediate

We provide information, company profile and mission of the producers to interested companies and provide feedback of return including needs, economic possibilities, style and products requested by the customer.

Our Mission

La Nostra Misison

SAC has always supported Italian companies

in the conquest of Arab markets by making use of professional figures specialized in the various processes of internationalization.

Officials, consultants, and researchers accompany companies from the early stages by analyzing the value of the product and its potential market positioning, ensuring a 100% Made in Italy quality production.

Goal is to conquer foreign markets.

Business Workflow

The staff of SAC, analyzed the business expectations, selects the markets and identifies the potential distribution partners. Uniqueness, exclusivity, and particularity, will be the real strengths to affirm the presence of the Company in the world.

  • Exchange of information: the buyer asks for information and we respond with company references, mission and profile.
  • Target Detection: understanding the customer's needs, their style, the economic possibilities and the products required. We search and select only 100% Made in Italy quality products with fixed parameters.
  • We constantly update the customer on the best Italian products from the newest to the least known.
  • B2B meetings: business-to-business meetings in order to allow better interaction with the buyer.
  • Company visits: possibility to test products and solutions, analysis of goods, tastings by the customer.
  • Faculty to proceed with a trial order in order to improve the corporate image and favor the production and sales process.